Saturday, 20 June 2015

Bogues Compounds Cement

Bogues Compounds: when water is added to cement it react with the ingredients of the cement chemically & results in the formation of complex chemical compounds terms as BOGUES compounds. which are not for simultaneously.

1. Tri-Calcium Aluminate (3CaO.Al2O3 or C3A) -------------------------8-12%

2. Tetra Calcium Alumino Ferrate (4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3 or C4AF)----6-10%

3. Tri-Calcium Silicate (3CaO.SiO2 or C3S)---------------------------------30-50%

4. Di-Calcium Silicate (2CaO.SiO2 or C2S)----------------------------------20-45%

1Tri-Calcium Aluminate (3CaO.Al2O3 or C3A)
  • Formed in 24 hrs of addition of water
  • Max. evolution of heat of hydration
  • check setting time of cement

2. Tetra Calcium Alumino Ferrate (4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3 or C4AF)
  • Formed within 24 hrs of addition of water
  • High heat of hydration in initial periods
3Tri-Calcium Silicate (3CaO.SiO2 or C3S)
  • Formed within week
  • Responsible for initial strength of cement
  • Contribute about 50-60% of strength
  • Content increase for the pre fabricated concrete construction, Cold weathering construction.
4. Di-Calcium Silicate (2CaO.SiO2 or C2S)
  • Last compound formed during hydration of cement
  • responsible for progressive later stage strength
  • Structure requires later stages strength proportion of this component increase
  • e.g. hydraulic structures, bridges.
Heat of Hydration of BOGUES Compounds:


  1. thns for these useful notes baby

  2. Thanks for information sir

  3. In GATE 2016 (civil) question stated like this" which of the following compound is responsible for initial setting and early strength in cement?"
    in options all the 4 compounds were present. which one is correct?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What the order of heat produsing and rate of hydration of Bogue component in cement

  6. Heat of hydrogen and rate of hydrogen ka increasing order batye

    1. Rate of hydration ka sequence =>

    2. Rate of hydration ka sequence=>

  7. Replies
    1. When water is added to cement,a chemical reaction takes place there by forming various complicated chemical compounds known as bogues compounds

  8. Which bogus compound has final
    settings time

  9. A man was far from over and the original resolution was passed in June last week that it was a good language of thermodynamics

  10. What is the time of hydration of dicalcium silicate ? And what is the time required to gain ultimate strength by C2S

  11. thank you ...just as i wanted

  12. How many calories produced during hydration process of all bogus's compound?

  13. What is the sequence of bougue compound of cement,According to heat of hydration ???

  14. Order of heat of hydration-
    Sequence C3A>C3S>C4AF>C2S

  15. Actually these compounds are not formed after reaction with water but they are further after raw materials are burned i.e. they are present in cement powder. They react with water to form CSH gel instead
