Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Types of Precipitation

Precipitation means all forms of water , that reaches the earth surface from the atmosphere.
There are following types of precipitation occurs as per Hydrology engineering in India.

1. Rain
2. Snow
3. Drizzle
4. Glaze
5. Sleet
6. Hail

1. Rain

This is the principle mode of precipitation in India. This denotes water droplets with size varying from 0.5 mm to 6 mm. On the basis of intensity , Rainfall is classified as follows;

0-2.5 mm/hr    Light
2.5-7.5 mm/hr  Medium
>7.5 mm/hr      Heavy

In India, Rainfall data is collected everyday at 8:30 AM and if this is more than 2.5 mm on a particular day, then that day is called Rainy Day.

2. Snow

Theses are ice-crystals having density of 0.1 gm/cc.

3. Drizzle

These are fine droplets of water , whose size is less than 0.5 mm and intensity is less than 1 mm/hr.

4. Glaze

When droplets of water comes in contact with cold ground surfaces(0 degree) then water droplet is converted into ice , which is called as Glaze.


 Sleet are the frozen raindrop of transparent nature.

6. Hail

These are the lumps of Ice , having size more than 8 mm.

The principle mode of precipitation in India is Orographic rainfall.

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